Wednesday, June 24, 2009


Hari ini ada yang sangat mengejutkan. Tadinya, TADINYA, gw berencana akan membereskan kamar. Ternyata, gw bangun sangat kesiangan.. So, I lost my mood. Hehe. Anyway, I've been doing a little research over my friends from Japan. So, I found out that a few of my friends from Japan-not litteraly from Japan, I just met them in Japan-do have a facebook profile. YEAY! Hehe. Then I git curious and looking for Mr. Prince. Hehe. And I found him.
Like a thunderblot strinking through my head, I felt a short term of dizziness. Well, I just didn't expect he-although i really want to make a contact with him too-would have a facebook too. After all, he didn't approve my MSN request. But, I was like, "Well, I got nothing to lose." So, I friend-requested the guy. Hehe. Well, so far, I hope Tony and Florian have one too, but I just haven't found them yet. But I WILL! Hehe. =)
Good Day!
Oh, Happy Birthday, Mr. Mraz! ^^ v *eventhough it was yesterday. hehe*

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