Wednesday, November 12, 2008


Baru aja gw nonton Stardust lagi. Gw suka banget sih sama film ini. Hehe. Keren bo. Dan baru gw sadari, ada kalimat yang gw suka banget. It goes like this:

A philosopher once asked, "Are we human because we gaze at the stars, or do we gaze at them because we are human?" Pointless really. Do the stars gaze back? Now that's a question.

Me myself still wondering sometimes, apakah ada yang watch over us di bintang-bintang sana? Well, practically since I'm a Christian, I know that God Jesus is watching over us from above, but I mean, well, since we don't know where stars really came from and what are they doing up there, who knows? They might be the ones we love, well, late ones. And I believe that stars have something more sprititual than what the scientists have come up with. Buktinya ada Bintang Timur yang bisa menunjukkan letak palungannya Tuhan Yesus kepada 3 orang majus. Dan matahari. Matahari adalah bintang, in case you didn't know. Kenapa daylight dijadikan simbol 'setan gag bisa keluar' or 'something evil is impossible to walk through daytime"? Ya, karena mereka simply gag bisa kena sinar matahari. Dan kenapa itu? Apakah karena sinar UV yang bisa bikin kanker kulit? I don't think so.

1 comment:

admin said...

wah, belum nonton filmnya..nanti deh.ditonton..

but i agree with u about this : God Jesus is watching over us from above

thanks for sharing ya