Thursday, May 22, 2008

Committing a Suicide

Do you feel all alone in the dark?
Do you feel like nobody's there to push you up when you're down?
Do you feel like there's no one care for you?
Do you feel like there's no way out?
Do you feel like to kill yourself?
Committing a suicide?
It's easy.
Just take a bottle of Raid Max (or any brand is just fine) and drink it right away.
Or just simply lock yourself in your room and close all ventilation and spray and spray and spray..
Or maybe, you don't like to the smell of those kinda things, you can simply cut your veins or stab yourself.

Committing a suicide?
It's a piece of cake. Anyone can do it.

Do you realize?
If you become a hooker, or a thief, or an assassin, there's always a way to go to the right path.
Don't you agree?
Well, since you're still alive, you can come back to God whenever you WANT TO.
You know He'll always have forgiveness for us.
And do you know there's always a way out?
He will never give anything harder than what we're able to do.
He'll always be with us.
He is around you somewhere. He's somewhere in your heart.
Just look for Him deeply. Deeper than ever, then you'll find him.

Back to the topic, committing a suicide.
When you're dead, you can't ask Jesus Christ to forgive you.
You know that.
Besides, your life, your soul, your everything is His.
You can't just take it away from Him like that. That's called stealing.
So, that's why, committing a suicide is the one unforgivable sin.

So, don't think.
NO SUICIDE you guys!
There's always a way out in Jesus.


velia said...

pusiiinq.. gaq ngrtii

efka said...

wajar.. tidak utk dimengerti kuqz.. ahaha.. iseng doank.. bhsny kacaw gtu..