Tuesday, July 21, 2009

30 Minutes Shower

Ah.. Nothing beats the 30 minutes relaxing cool shower in the afterschool hour.. Hari ini terasa sangattt panas! Bahkan sekarang saat saya sudah dengan tenang duduk sambil mengetik ini. Tadi saat mandi, tepatnya selesai mandi, saya merasa agak bersalah. Kenapa? Karena saat saya mulai mandi, bak mandi itu penuh. Selesai saya mandi, tinggal sekitar 5/6.. Sempet terlintas betapa orang susah nyari air.. Saya malah buang-buang.. Tapi itu juga membuat saya bersyukur sama Tuhan. Makasih yah Tuhan, saya masih bisa mandi kayak begini... Anyway, hari ini bisa dibilang hari pertama saya resmi masuk ke sekolah, mengikuti KBM, bertemu wali kelas, dan teman-teman sekelas lainnya. Singkatnya, hari ini hari pertama sekolah setelah MOS. Hehe. Karena saya dan rekan-rekan OSIS lainnya membantu skolah menyelenggarakan MOS, jadi kita melewatkan seminggu pertama masuk sekolah deh.. Jadi tadi saya tiba-tiba ditunjuk jadi sekretaris 2, menemani Michael Harriet sebagai sekretaris 1 oleh wali kelas saya, Ibu Evangelina Hutabarat, seorang guru Ekonomi dan ahli Mikro Ekonomi. Hoho xD Ehem. Sekarang sebenarnya saya punya dua tugas untuk esok hari.. PR Mat bertemakan Integral dan PR Inggris.. Haihaihay +.+ Capek rasanya.
Btw, beberapa hari ini saya keingetan terus sama masa kecil saya. You know, as a child, I did pick a LOT of fights. Frustrating? Nah, not really. Surprising? Well.. for you, maybe yes. Haha. Like when I was in the kindergarten in TK Tunas Karunia in Central Jakarta, near Passer Baroe. I remember picking fight with a boy named Tommy. I don't remember what he's face like, I don't remember what we're fighting about, I just knew his name was Tommy and I had some several fights with him. And then, when I was in 6th grade. I picked a fight with a boy named Darius. It's kinda my fault, actually. Hehe. I ratted him out, ACCIDENTALY, to our teacher, Mrs. Aneke, if I'm not mistaken. It really was an accident, you know. I didn't mean to tell.. It's just she asked me questions, and I answered her. In my answer, my friend, Darius, is.. well.. kinda guilty, so she punished him and the others. At first, he was furious. He yelled at me. I yelled back. A tense 2 or 3 minutes, actually. Later, at home, just before my nap time, I.. err.. I don't remember this part. Did I call him or I text him.. Hmm. Anyway, he forgave me and the story ended. But in the end, he still does remember that until now =) He said it was really brave of me to apologize like that. Well, what can I say? I can't live guilty like that.. Moving on, on 7th grade, I picked a fight with another boy named.. ah.. Bagus. Yep. He insulted my friend and I didn't like it. Just as simple as that. Well.. You see, life as a kid is kinda embarrassing if you think about it now. Why? Because it's childish, maybe. But it's okay, because we WERE a child. Now, most of us just don't realize when we do something childish when we're not suppose to. Hmm.

Happy Waking Up Early To Go To School, People!

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